• National Environment and Recreation Research Symposium (NERR)

Evgenia Spears presented her research on sense of responsibility as a socio-psychological dimension of landownership.
• RPTS Scholarship and Awards Banquet

Jieun Song was a recipient of the Elizabeth Crompton Scholarship.
• 41st Annual Southeastern Recreation Research (SERR) Conference

Amit Ghoshal presented his research on the relationship between religious beliefs and human-wildlife conflict.

Jieun Song presented her research on social media activities in U.S. national parks.
• 31st Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC)

Evgenia Spears presented her research on landownership as a socio-psychological phenomenon.
• Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference

Kristianna Bowles presented her research about sustainability on the TAMU campus.